Equestrian Life


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day 47 - 51..the basics

Rain and work have kept me working with Monty late at night. Not to worry, I have been working on the basics; everything from liberty and obstacles to basic handling. He's pretty tired of picking up his feet on command and dropping his head for the bit. LOL

I did take the time to get my application submitted for the 2008 Extreme Mustang Makeover event in Texas. I signed up for both a yearling and a riding horse. As if I did not have enough to do in my life!!


Kathy M said...

You never heard me say they weren't addicting! ;D

jtjedi said...

Is it the horses or the competitions or both? :)

Yeah, I'm nuts!


Jessie said...

Wow Jamie, you're crazy! I think I need to take a break from training for about 30 days before I even think about taking another one on!!

Thanks for the comment on my blog, I am so glad I could take my horse home, but I don't know how I could do it again! Maybe it's just your first mustang that you get so attached to??

Well I wish you continued luck in your training, I'll be watching!!