It's Sunday night. In four days, my mustang will arrive. I sit and ponder, "What kind of horse will it be? Will it be a boy or girl? Man, I hope its a gelding! Will it be dominant, like my Mustang River, or submissive, like my Mustang Canyon? Will I do well? Will I get hurt?"
I am excited, yet nervous. I have never tested my skills as a horse trainer outside of the regular show arena. Yes, I have entered and won many jumping and dressage competitions over the years on horses that I have started. I have developed a partnership with a horse that has brought me to tears. But never have I tested my "first 90 days" skills, other than I own some pretty cool riding horses. This wont be the first horse that I have started under saddle, nor will it be my last. I have even started a few mustangs, but never for prize money, never for a competition. Jeez, now I know how Steve Rother and Ken McNabb feel when they demo and start young horses in three days at the expos! I've seen it done in three days and I have 100 days. It should be more than possible?!
I am not one that likes to rush a young horse along, especially a Mustang. It's always easier to let a Mustang choose to like you first and come to you when it's ready. It safer that way! But this time, we are under the gun. This horse will have to learn to like me fast, as we have a lot to learn in 100 days and it's going to be a wild ride!
I was excited to find out that I was a chosen trainer. One of 100 chosen from 220 candidates. I feel lucky, I feel special, I feel scared! What have I gotten myself into??
Art Website
10 years ago
Good luck. We'll all be watching and rooting for you.
Congratulations Jamie! I am so glad you started this blog.
I have watched you with a scared young horse. You will do great.
Washington Thoroughbred Transitional Facility
It's all so exciting! I can't wait to hear of your adventures, and look forward to seeing you in Ft Worth this september.
Jamie - what a nice looking mustang you got! We are also participating the makeover (my husband is the trainer, I'm just the hired labor :) ) I will look forward to your progress with him. If you want to see our boy and watch his progress, you can see him at
This is so exciting, isn't it??
Great work, Jamie! -- Roy
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